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Report Child Abuse in Nebraska

(800) 652-1999

Training & Events Calendar

Empowering Youth

Monday, April 29, 2024
11:00 am12:30 pm
BraveBe Child Advocacy Center | 5025 Garland Street, Lincoln, NE 68504

Prevention, Resilience, & Community Awareness for Youth Protection

This presentation will delve into youth prevention curriculum models centered around digital citizenship, healthy relationships, and body safety. Attendees will gain insights into the importance of educating young individuals on these critical topics to promote responsible online behavior, foster positive relationships and ensure personal safety. Through a comprehensive analysis of various curriculum models, the presentation will highlight effective strategies and best practices for implementing these educational initiatives in schools, youth-serving, and faith-based communities. Participants will explore the significance of educating young individuals on these critical topics to prevent harm, build resilience, raise community awareness, and safeguard youth from potential risks.

Who Should Attend:
Educators, school administrators, youth counselors, youth-serving organizations, faith-based organizations, community leaders, and anyone involved in youth education and well-being.

Learning Objectives:
Participants will learn effective strategies and best practices for implementing youth prevention curriculum models in schools and youth-serving communities. They will also gain a deeper understanding of how to empower youth to navigate the digital landscape, cultivate healthy relationships, and protect themselves from potential harm.

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