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Report Child Abuse in Nebraska

(800) 652-1999

Employment Opportunities

BraveBe Child Advocacy Center is currently hiring for the following positions:

Family Advocate: The Family Advocate provides immediate and ongoing support to children and families in crisis throughout the investigation and prosecution of cases. They create a safe and supportive environment at BraveBe Child Advocacy Center and conduct pre-interview calls to ease anxieties. The advocate offers emotional support during forensic interviews and medical evaluations, identifying urgent needs and resources for basic necessities. They also keep families informed about the case status, ensure child safety, and assist with accessing various services for rebuilding a stable home. To read more about this position, view qualification requirements and to apply, click here.

Intake Coordinator: The Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) Intake Coordinator is a part-time position responsible for coordinating the intake process for cases referred to the Child Advocacy Center (CAC) by law enforcement and the Department of Health and Human Services. This role involves working closely with MDT members and BraveBe staff to ensure timely and effective case responses, requiring strong administrative and communication skills. The Coordinator serves as the primary contact for referrals, manages intake data, supports service delivery teams, and ensures culturally sensitive services. Qualifications include an Associate's degree, relevant experience, knowledge of child welfare laws, and proficiency in computer applications, with a commitment to maintaining confidentiality and promoting a positive organizational image. To read more about this position, view qualification requirements and to apply, click here.

Program Manager: The Program Manager at BraveBe Child Advocacy Center oversees forensic interview and case coordination teams, providing direct supervision, performance feedback, and conflict resolution. They work with the Senior Director of Programs and Culture to recruit, onboard, and ensure professional development for team members, maintaining high ethical standards and a culture of recognition. Administrative duties include facilitating team meetings, ensuring compliance with performance indicators, and meeting grant requirements. The manager promotes best practices in child abuse investigation and treatment, fostering positive relationships with multidisciplinary teams and representing BraveBe in the community. To read more about this position, view qualification requirements and to apply, click here.

Parent Support Specialist: The Parent Support Specialist is responsible for promoting and facilitating the Building Resilient Families curriculum, which offers trauma-informed guidance, encouragement, education, and practical advice to parents. They facilitate group discussions and activities that promote learning, growth, and mutual support among group members while providing compassionate and non-judgmental support to parents and guardians. Additionally, they assist parents in accessing community resources, maintain accurate records, and collaborate with community partners and BraveBe staff. The role also involves developing surveys for quality improvement, managing virtual support groups, and training other agencies in the curriculum. To read more about this position, view qualification requirements and to apply, click here.

We are in a period of extensive growth so make sure you check back often! You can also follow us on Facebook.

A note from Executive Director, Paige Piper:

BraveBe Child Advocacy Center employs a dedicated team of professionals committed to making a difference for child victims of abuse and their families. Employment here is challenging and rewarding.

BraveBe Child Advocacy Center is fortunate to partner with numerous agencies in our community, including law enforcement, Nebraska Health and Human Services, county attorneys, and mental health services. Through our collaborative efforts we seek to improve outcomes for child victims, understanding that each Center serves as an important piece of the larger puzzle.

Over the years, BraveBe has become both a noun and a verb. There are times our multidisciplinary team members refer to “CAC-ing” a child. That speaks volumes to the importance of the work we do. BraveBe is so much more than a place; it’s a lifeline for children and families who are facing their hardest days; it’s a phone call in the middle of the night to a caring team that conducts an emergency interview; it’s a board game between a child and their advocate during a scary criminal trial; it’s hours of questions being answered, tears being wiped, and connecting families to restorative resources like therapy. BraveBe is the light when everything around a child feels dark. It’s unwavering support by a first-class team who put children first, always.

BraveBe Child Advocacy Center is special because of our dedicated team. The work is intense and emotional, yet the care and compassion of the staff ensure that children and families are not alone when navigating the intimidating criminal justice system and recovery process. We hold our employees to high standards of integrity and accountability because what we do matters.

--Paige Piper