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Report Child Abuse in Nebraska

(800) 652-1999

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Internship Opportunities

Our student interns are an important part of our success.  We have been fortunate to have enjoyed some great interns over the years --- some of whom we hired as employees!

An internship at BraveBe Child Advocacy Center provides a unique opportunity to gain an increased understanding of the child welfare and criminal justice system, the dynamics of child abuse and neglect, and questioning strategies utilized in a forensic interview.

Internships are provided for college students looking to complete a minimum of 250 hours on-site (virtual internships are not available) to satisfy practicum/internship requirements. The practicum/internship program must specify that BraveBe Child Advocacy Center will 1) complete an evaluation of the intern’s performance and 2) verify that 250 hours have been completed.  

At BraveBe Child Advocacy Center, each intern will be assigned a focus area at the beginning of their internship but will routinely rotate their assignment to gain a broader perspective on the work we do.  Interns are assigned to:

•    Observe forensic interviews and prepare a draft summary;

•    Assist our multidisciplinary teams by preparing a summary of all new child abuse and neglect reports accepted for initial assessment;

•    Observe the non-offending caregiver(s) initial interview and assist the child advocate with documentation;

•    Provide clerical support and attend professional training

If you are interested in being considered for a non-paid internship at BraveBe Child Advocacy Center, please complete the intern application below at least 4 weeks prior to the desired start date. Once your application has been reviewed you will be contacted for an interview. Background checks will be conducted on all prospective interns. 

Questions? Contact Angie Battles, LICSW, Clinical Program Manager at (402) 476-3200 or

Intern Application
Ex: May 2022 – December 2022
Have you ever been convicted of, or having pending charges of a violation of law other than a minor traffic violation?