Forensic Interviews

A forensic interview is a structured and open-ended conversation that is child-centered and non-leading, about possible event(s) he or she may have experienced or witnessed. The goals of the forensic interview are to find facts, assess the child’s safety, assess the need for medical or mental health care, and minimize the number of times the child talks about the events or experiences.
Forensic interviews at BraveBe Child Advocacy Center are conducted by our forensic interview specialists who have received advanced training on the forensic interviewing of child victims/witnesses. Forensic interviews follow the National Children’s Advocacy Center Protocol. The pace and order of the protocol is individualized to each child and their set of circumstances. The forensic interviewers routinely participate in trainings, and participate in peer reviews to continually develop their skills.
Multiple Session Forensic Interviews
We recognize that some children may have difficulty relaying information during a single interview. A multi-session or extended forensic interview may be considered by the team based on the circumstances of the child and the specific case.